Believe it or not, sometimes the display will die on your Linux operating system. You probably have no control over this…..Time to move on and fix the issue without spending hours on Google searching for a half-baked how-to.
If you are in the process of implementing this article on a broken system, chances are that you see a black screen with text. Please follow these steps so that you can get the pretty colors back!
Step 1: Login.
Step 2: Ensure the graphical daemons are not running.
service gdm stop
service kdm stop
Step 3: Run this command: X -configure
(This will create the following file in your directory:
Step 4: Copy the configuration file to the right place.
mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Step 5: Restart the display.
service gdm start (for GNOME users.)
service kdm start (for KDE users)
startx (for everyone else, the elite)
Step 6: If you are still having problems……
Repeat Steps 1 – 4.
We will change the driver to vesa. Vesa is a generic display driver that will work on any video card. I usually use this driver on all my machines because it is stable and never fails.
Use your favorite text editor and open /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Look for a line that says something like the following :
Driver “nv”
Driver “ati”
Driver “nvidia”
Driver “intel”
Change the name from what is in quotes to “vesa”.
Example of how it should be after the change: Driver “vea”
Save and exit the file and follow step 5.