
Self Driving Cars

Chris Peeples forwarded an article to our email list after mentioning it during our last Sunday meeting. “Auto Correct: Has the self-driving car at last arrived?” by Burkhard Bilger in The New Yorker. Google is improving on the technology every week, meeting for status updates each Monday at 11:30AM. They and others would like to eliminate the 1.24 million car accident fatalities each year worldwide and reduce the fifty million more that are injured.

We meet on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in Berkeley near the Downtown Berkeley BART station. We hope you join us at Bobby G’s Pizzeria.

Free, The Future of a Radical Price

Ignore these ideas at your own peril. Free, The Future of a Radical Price (2009) by Chris Anderson is available, not surprisingly, for free, gratis, no marginal cost. The google buzz is interesting too.

* version
* Amazon has hardcover, paperback, kindle ebook and (gratis) versions

Mr. Anderson is a fellow resident of Berkeley and is also the author of Makers: The New Industrial Revolution (2012) and The Long Tail: Why The Future of Business Is Selling Less Of More (2006). This TED bio is helpful and his first TED Talk recorded in 2004 is a prelude to his 2006 book.

We meet on the second and fourth Sundays of each month in Berkeley near the Downtown Berkeley BART station. We hope you join us at Bobby G’s Pizzeria.