

BerkeleyLUG meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month

Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm (effective 2019-09-22)

Locations (effective 2021-05-09virtual+physical:

virtual remains: (Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431 PIN: 1036 1972 20#) (see also LIST / FORUM for any possible late-breaking changes on meetings)


being added again – attendance of course optional, at your own risk/discretion, etc.  Latest information/updates may also be found on our list.  At present:

Sodoi Coffee Tasting House
2438 Durant Ave. (between Durant and Channing under parking structure)
Berkeley, CA 94704-1611
1-510-990-6487 (hours shown on that web page may not be current, at the time of this writing it’s 10a-5p daily)
accessible: from parking garage above or Channing side:
from Channing side, from sidewalk near SE corner of parking structure (there’s also an inset yellow curb loading zone and ramp right by there – but there are also frequently vehicles parked there), proceed to walkway right in front of parking structure, follow that W, then N for walkway/shops under parking structure, Sodoi is fairly far in, on left, before stairs.
from parking garage above, take elevator to ground level, then W, then N, Sodoi is then on left before stairs.
parking: there is of course street parking (which will be variably full/not, depending on time, etc.), there’s also parking in the garage above Sodi: at the time of this writing, first hour free, 2nd through 4th hour $1.00/hr., after that it gets very pricey.

See also our LIST / FORUM for any late breaking changes.

Thanks to this perl code (and wee bit of use of shell, etc. to further format the output) we know when the meetings take place:

echo $({ upcoming_meetings 2 su | sed -ne '/^2026/q;p'
> upcoming_meetings 4 su | sed -ne '/^2026/q;p'; } | sort) |
> fold -s -w 72 | sed -e 's/  *$//'
2025-04-13 2025-04-27 2025-05-11 2025-05-25 2025-06-08 2025-06-22 
2025-07-13 2025-07-27 2025-08-10 2025-08-24 2025-09-14 2025-09-28 
2025-10-12 2025-10-26 2025-11-09 2025-11-23 2025-12-14 2025-12-28


Meetings vary, but often consist of people hanging out showing off cool new projects and gadgets, folks getting help with installs (our meeting venue has power and Wi-Fi), and figuring out how to do various stuff and solve various issues and get questions answerd regarding Linux as well as often other various random discussions related to Linux, Open Source, related technologies, and some other related and not exactly related topics.

Mail List:

Please sign up for our mailing list at – – to get future alerts.

Upcoming Events (SF Bay Area Open Source/Linux Events):

4 thoughts on “Meetings

    1. Yet I noticed (much) earlier, it appears you posted that comment at 9 minutes before noon?
      I wonder what happened? Clock error or the like somewhere? Hopefully you found us later (after noon) – though I don’t specifically recall at this point.

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